Click here to register for the 2025 Kenora Walleye Open!


July 5th & 6th, 2025






Recent Videos

Episode 1


Rules Meeting & Flight Times

Day 1 Flight Times @ Tall Pines Marina

Flight 1 (Team 1 - 40) - 7:00am to 3:00pm

Flight 2 (Team 41 - 80) - 7:20am to 3:20pm

Flight 3 (Team 81 - 120) - 7:40am to 3:40pm




Our rules meeting will be live on Facebook tonight at 7:00pm.  The video link will posted here on the main page of around 6:15pm.  You can watch the video on any device that has Facebook.

Tournament Anglers will receive a team bag at day 1 morning check in.  Here are .pdf documents that will be included in each team bag for reference.

KWO 2020 Rules - click or touch to see
KWO CRR Directions - click or touch to see
KWO CRR Length-to-Weight Chart 
  - click or touch to see

The weigh in will once again be at Tall Pines Marina.  We will not be allowing spectators at the weigh-in this year so please pass this information along.

There will be no dinner or prize awards at the curling rink this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you to everyone for the amazing support.




Catch, Record, Release (CRR) Format to be used for fish 23” and over at the Kenora Walleye Open

Catch, Record, Release (CRR) Format to be used for fish 23” and over at the Kenora Walleye Open

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Kenora Walleye Open has made the move to August 8th & 9th for the 2020 tournament.  In August, Lake of the Woods records some of its highest water surface temperatures of the season.   High water temps are especially hard on larger fish kept for a period of time in live wells.

As a result of consulting with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and many tournament Anglers, we have decided to adopt a CRR format for fish over 23” for 2020 Only.  Our goal is to keep the excitement of catching big walleyes a but reduce or completely remove big fish mortality due to high water surface temps.


What is CRR?

CRR is short for Catch, Record, Release.

With CRR, KWO teams will measure each walleye over 23” on a “Judge” tournament ruler and take a digital photograph of the fish on the ruler clearly showing the head and tail, and then immediately release the live fish. NO Big fish are brought to the weight scale. Instead, the tournament anglers select the largest walleye for their final weight and send the photo and measurement to the weighmaster via text (photo example below). The length of each walleye is converted to weight in pounds using a standardized formula.



How will this be Implemented?

There will still be a standard weigh in at the end of each day.

The Kenora Walleye has decided to go with CRR for fish over 23” ONLY.  Slot fish 18 inches and under will still be weighedby the tournament weigh master as in prior years and will keep the same end of day weigh-in procedure anglers are familiar with.




  • This new CRR format for fish over 23” is for 2020 only.
  • A “Judge” ruler is required.  Rulers will be available.
  • Anglers will use their cell phones to take pictures and send only their longest fish each day to prior to the end of that day’s fishing hours.
  • Each angler will receive a special token each that must be visible in the CRR photo.  Tokens must be returned by the end of the fishing day or their CRR weight will not count.
  • Fish over 23” must be released immediately after you take a picture and measurement.
  • All CRR measurements will be verified by the tournament directors.
  • Slot size fish 18 inches and under are still required to be weighed at the weigh-in.
  • Only up to 4 fish 18 inches and under will be allowed in any teams live well at any time.
  • Only 3 slots per team will be accepted for weigh-in if that team submits a CRR Picture and Measurement.
  • Total daily weight for each team will be one fish over 23” CRR calculated weight plus 3 slot fish 18” and under OR 4 slot fish 18” and under.  Only 4 fish per team per day will be counted.



KWO 2020 is moving to August 8th & 9th

The 2020 KWO is being rescheduled to August 8th & 9th.  Here are some some answers to frequestly asked questions.



Q. What is the new date for the Kenora Walleye Open?

A. Saturday, August 8th & Sunday, August 9th, 2020.


Q. Will the rules be the same?

A. The water surface temps are warm in August so we are exploring rule modifications to ensure the lowest mortality rate of the fish.  Any change will be only for 2020 and will be announced well before the August 8th start date.


Q. Why has the date changed?

A. Ontario is still at a very early stage of re-opening the province due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  On June 2, Ontario announced a 4 week extension of all emergency orders.  While certain businesses, services and public spaces are beginning to open, the KWO committee feels that delaying the tournament by 5 weeks is best to ensure a safe event for everyone.


Q. August 8th & 9th?!  That’s KBI weekend!

A. I know!  Unfortunately, the KBI was cancelled this year.  We love the KBI and can’t wait to see the event back in 2021.


Q. August 8th & 9th doesn’t work for me and I’ve already registered!  Can I get a refund?

A. Yes!  Full refunds are available up to 2 weeks before the tournament (July 31 @ 7:00pm)


Q. When is the 2021 KWO?

A. July 10th & 11th, 2021.


Q. Where do I catch Walleyes in August?

A. In the lips.


KWO Early Bird Entry Deadline is April 30th, 2020

Over $100,000 in Cash & Prizes will be awarded this year.

Planning for 2020 is well underway.  We will again be having a $1000.00 Early Bird Draw open to all entries received by April 30th, 2020.  We will also be having a dinner for all tournament anglers and volunteers catered by Gropp's Country Catering at the Kenora Curling Club on Saturday, July 4th.  Extra dinner tickets will be available upon request.

Angler feedback has been great.  We appreciate all questions and comments as this truly helps improve this great event.


Winners: Brandon Kamm & Travis Tourond

Brandon Kamm & Travis Tourond win the 2019 Kenora Walleye Open with 27.31 pounds!  Pictures coming soon!

2019 Final Results <<<Click there